Voiced and executive produced by Academy award winning actor Tilda Swinton, Letters from Baghdad is a beautifully crafted documentary that tells the dramatic story of British spy, explorer and political powerhouse, Gertrude Bell, who, more influential than her friend and colleague Lawrence of Arabia, shaped the modern Middle East in ways that still reverberate today. Using never-seen-before footage of the region, the film chronicles Bell’s extraordinary journey into both the uncharted Arabian desert and the inner sanctum of British male colonial power. With unique access to documents from the Iraq National Library and Archive and Gertrude Bell’s own 1600 letters, the story is told entirely in the words of the players of the day, excerpted verbatim from intimate letters, private diaries and secret communiqués.
→ Purchase Letters from Baghdad for your school or library.
Sabine Krayenbühl Zeva Oelbaum
Zeva Oelbaum
Tilda Swinton
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